
2021-06-23 10:59:42


Coins can be said to be a microcosm of a country's historical development, but also one of the signs of human civilization. Chinese ancient coins have gradually formed a unique Oriental coin culture system in its long development process, so its value has been found by more and more people, and ancient coins have also been collected by more and more people.

1911年12月29日,经辛亥革命后,孙 中 山被推选为临时大总统。1912年1月3日,中华民国政府宣告成立,清朝灭亡,在中国持续2000多年的封建君主专制随之结束。1912年袁世凯窃取临时大总统,复辟称帝,下令于 1916 年元旦起,废除民国年号,改为中华帝国洪宪元年,并由天津造币厂铸造中华帝国洪宪纪元银币。该币由国外雕刻师乔治氏主持铜板雕刻,铸造精美,为中国近代铸币史上之精品。

On December 29, 1911, after the 1911 revolution, sun yat-sen was elected temporary president. On January 3, 1912, the government of the Republic of China was proclaimed and the Qing Dynasty was destroyed. The feudal autocratic monarchy that lasted for more than 2,000 years in China ended. Yuan shikai stole the temporary president in 1912 and restored himself as emperor. he ordered that the year number of the Republic of China be abolished from new year's day in 1916 and changed to the first year of the hong xian era of the Chinese empire. the Tianjin mint minted silver coins of the hong xian era of the Chinese empire. The coin was carved by George's, a foreign engraver, and is exquisitely cast. It is a masterpiece in the history of modern Chinese coinage.


Yuan Shikai accepted the title of emperor in December 1915, changed his title to " Chinese empire" and changed it to " the first year of hong xian" in 1916. he plans to be crowned on new year's day in 1916. this silver coin shall be the commemorative coin for his coronation. It is an important material to witness Yuan Shikai's restoration of monarchy and other historical events.


On December 12, 1915, Yuan Shikai announced that he would accept the throne, restore the monarchy, abandon the republican system of government, change the Republic of China to the Chinese empire, abandon the chronological age of the Republic of China, and change the five years of the Republic of China (1916 A.D.) to the first year of Hong Xian, which was historically called " Hong Xian monarchy". Yuan Shikai's high tassel was forged as a dragon silver coin in the Hongxian era of the Chinese empire in the plan of the year. The coin was carved by Italian engraver Rurgi George and forged by Tianjin Mint. The standard for silver coins is 70 cents for Kuping, which is of high quality and contains 90% silver.


After Yuan accepted the throne, he began to confer titles on officials and changed the presidential palace into Xinhua Palace, preparing to officially assume the throne on New Year's Day in 1916. Yuan Shikai's back-and-forth actions aroused public indignation throughout the country. At that time the anti-imperialist movement swept across the country. On December 25, Tang Jiyao, Cai E and Li Liejun declared their independence in Yunnan, and fought Yuan Shikai's betrayal of the Republic and the war of defending the country broke out. Yuan Shikai's ugly act of proclaiming himself emperor caused the Northern Warlords to fall apart, and the western powers also expressed their opposition to Yuan Shikai's claim to be emperor. Yuan Shikai was forced to cancel the monarchy on March 22, 1916 amid a chorus of opposition because of his rebellion against his relatives and difficulties in internal and external affairs. He had no dream of becoming emperor for 83 days. He died of illness on June 6, more than two months later, and Hongxian Feilong silver coins ceased to be cast.


This is the signature version of the Hongxian era Feilong coin of the Chinese Empire, and the Hongxian era Feilong coin of the Chinese Empire. The front of the coin is Yuan Shikai's face and bust. Yuan Shikai is wearing a Grand Marshal's uniform, a high tassel crown with Heron feathers, a large medal on the chest, and a "L. Giorgi" signature on the shoulder. In the center of the back is a lifelike dragon pattern, with the four characters of "Chinese Empire" engraved on the top and "Hongxian era" engraved on the bottom. The coin was carved by ruerzhi George, an Italian engraver, and forged by Tianjin mint. This coin is extremely exquisite in craftsmanship, exquisite in appearance, valuable in collection, few handed down from generation to generation, and extremely precious. At the same time, it is also an important material to witness Yuan Shikai's restoration of monarchy and other historical events.


It is said that the coin was made in 1916 for Yuan Shikai to become emperor. It can be divided into signature version and non signature version. On the front of the signature version, the bust of Yuan Shikai is cast. On the right side of the portrait, the inscription "l.giorgi" is rare and precious.


In recent years, the turnover in the auction market is very high: in the spring auction of 2016, a flying dragon silver coin of Hongxian era of the Chinese Empire was sold at 3250000 HKD; In the autumn auction of 2017, a flying dragon silver coin of the Hongxian era of the Chinese Empire was sold at 3150000 HKD. It can be imagined that the market value of the signature version of Feilong coin commemorative silver coin is very high.

洪宪纪念币是近代中国钱币中的精 品,有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义;同时,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。珍贵的“洪宪纪念币”记录了晚清民国惊天动地的伟大历史,由于历经百年风雨,“洪宪纪念币”存世量并不多,尤其是品相好的更为稀缺,因此很受收藏爱好者青睐。

Hong Xian Memorial Coin is one of the finest coins in modern China. It is edified by history and is a revolutionary cultural relic of great value, with profound historical significance. At the same time, it is also a rare material object for archaeology and study of Chinese history and culture. The precious " Hongxian commemorative coin" has recorded the great history of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. After a hundred years of wind and rain, " Hongxian commemorative coin" is not much in existence in the world, especially in good quality. Therefore, it is very popular with collectors.



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